Our Harbor Check-In Office is located at 790 Mariner Park Way, Santa Cruz, CA 95062.
- Take the Ocean St./Beaches exit in Santa Cruz, which puts you onto Ocean St.
- Follow Ocean St. then turn left on to Soquel Ave.
- Turn right on to Seabright Ave.
- Take Seabright all the way to the last left- Atlantic Ave.
- Follow Atlantic Ave. all the way to the last left- Mariner Park Way, into the Harbor parking lot.
- Drive all the way to the very end of the lot.
- Our check-in office is underneath the Murray St. Bridge.
Park in a VISITOR parking stall, then go to one of the two available blue pay stations on the West Side of the harbor to pay for parking. Use credit card, cash, or coins to pay for 3 hours worth of parking ($3.75) to get you through your sail time, then place the parking slip the machine issues you on your dashboard as proof of your payment.
Please check-in at our office under the bridge 30 minutes prior to the scheduled charter (Allow plenty of time for traffic, we leave on time).
Our Main Office is located above the Buttery Bakery, at 704 Soquel Avenue, Suite A, Santa Cruz, CA 95062.
(Please call before coming to ensure we are in the office)
- Take the Ocean St./Beaches exit in Santa Cruz, which puts you onto Ocean St.
- Follow Ocean St. Then turn left onto Soquel Ave.
- Take a right on Branciforte Ave.
- Take an immediate left into the parking lot.
- Follow stairs up, above the Buttery Bakery